Spring Blackthorn blossom

Winter sun

In the last month I have been preoccupied with winter sunlight and flowers, using the sun to backlight the subjects. Snowdrop at Hampton Court. This comes with an apology to the couple who thought I had collapsed, whilst I was merely lying on the path shooting the snowdrops. Orchids present a real challenge for me. Read more about Winter sun[…]


Urban meadow

In June I started a project on wild flowers, starting with captures from the urban meadow at St Mary’s University, Strawberry Hill which has been stunning this month. Sitting by the meadow it is such a busy place with dashing, diving, hovering, fluttering bees and butterflies moving from flower to flower.  

Paradise Found

Bushy Park at 10.00pm, sitting by one of the ponds watching the remains of the sunset. Looking at this I am recalling the noise of the swans and ducks dive bombing the water, playing in the dark amid total silence.

Spring is here

Spring has been so late this year. With the longing to get past the rain and snow, spring has been all the sweeter . Magnolia Stellata in the Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park

View from The Terrace in Richmond

When you return home cold and freezing it pays to revisit photographs when you are in the warm! Here’s view from The Terrace at Richmond. Come and see my prints at the Landmark Centre Spring Fair  https://www.instagram.com/landmarkartfairs/    https://twitter.com/LandmarkArts https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/springartfair/